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Active jamming in a sentence

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Sentence count:11Posted:2021-10-28Updated:2021-10-28
Similar words: jammingfunctional programminghammingrammingproductive activitySpammingcrammingslamming
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1. Sidelobe cancelling is an effective measure against active jamming.
2. Several methods and techniques concerning active jamming are presented.
3. Furthermore, acoustic jamming can be sorted as active jamming and passive jamming.
4. RGPO is a kind of widely used active jamming with greater harmfulness.
5. IR active jamming technology includes IR decoy , IR jammer, DIRCM laser blinding, etc.
6. The adaptive sidelobe blanking ( SLB ) is an effective measure against active jamming.
6. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
7. The adaptive sidelobe cancelling ( ASLC ) is an effective measure against active jamming.
8. The antenna sidelobe cancelling is an effective measure to restrain active jamming.
9. It describes the principle and the present state and the tendency of IR active jamming technology.
10. The antenna sidelobe adaptive cancellation is an effective measure to restrain active jamming.
11. Firstly it establishes the model of the anti-ship missile radar seeker. Secondly it builds active jamming models, including noise suppressing jamming model and Range Gate Pull Off (RGPO) model.
More similar words: jammingfunctional programminghammingrammingproductive activitySpammingcrammingslammingadministrative actionjammiesprogrammingHamming codediagrammingreprogrammingpreprogrammingHamming distancecreative activitymultiprogrammingcorrective actionsactivevisual programmingprogramming methodlinear programmingdynamic programminginteger programmingcomputer programmingprogramming languageactivelybe activeinactive
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